The Art Industry

Shipping Policy

  • We understand that great products need to be shipped with great care. Hence we work with some of the best known shipping and logistics companies to deliver your products to you.
  • Shipping is free in India for all prepaid orders. For Cash on Delivery orders, we charge COD collection fee of Rs.100 per product.
  • Packages shipped with standard shipping would take 7-10 business days for the order to be delivered. Saturdays, Sundays, Government Holidays and unforeseen holidays such as “Bharat Bandh” and similar such days are NOT included as business days.
  • Please do note that delivery times are subject to factors beyond our control – like travel delays from our shipping partners, strikes, weather conditions, etc. But don’t worry, we are famous for delighting our customers by adhering to our promised shipping times.
  • We will keep you updated and provide you with the tracking information once your order is dispatched via SMS / email.
  • There are NO hidden charges when you make a purchases on Our Website. List prices are final and all-inclusive. The price you see on the product page is exactly what you would pay.
  • However, if there are any special requests for shipping of the product you can always contact us and intimate the same


Cancellation, Returns & Exchange Policy

The Art Industry has a strict NO CANCELLATION, NO RETURNS & NO EXCHANGE policy on all its products & services.

  • All products procured by us are 100% Original, Authentic and Sourced from the Manufacturer.
  • All Products undergo a proper quality check before shipment.​

However, in the unlikely event that a product received by you is damaged or faulty, follow the steps mentioned below:

  • Contact us  immediately (within 24 hours of receiving the order) and explain the issue with the product.
  • Share pictures along with details of the damage or fault with the product via email. (The Art Industry does not accept images shared with our executives on messaging platforms or other forms of social media).
  • Any complaints/issues raised after a time of 24 hours from delivery (or) receipt of your order will not be considered for returns or exchange.